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Students are at the heart of everything we do.


It is with a sense of excitement and enthusiasm, that I have been privileged in my role as Principal, I take this opportunity to introduce Sacred Heart Primary School. At Sacred Heart Primary School, we are keenly aware of the responsibility parents have entrusted in us, to educate their children to the highest standards and prepare them to be young people whose values will make them quality citizens. 


Our school mantra “Our students are at the heart of everything we do”, is not just a catch phrase displayed in our school foyer, or a platitude that is casually thrown around in conversation. It is a living statement of intent, the foundation upon which every decision is made.


Our school population is as vibrant and diverse as the suburb it is situated in. We honour that rich diversity by providing a learning environment that is inclusive, proactive and innovative. Recognising the inherent role our students and families have in achieving student achievement, our highly motivated teachers have built a school culture where all are invited to be part of their child’s learning journey.


Our learning and teaching programs are based upon the Victorian curriculum. The curriculum is presented in a dynamic and personalised manner so that every student can set their own learning goals and witness their achievements. 


Our teachers are acutely aware that our students are entering a contemporary world that requires active citizens with a continuous thirst for knowledge and a desire to constantly enhance and develop new skills. Our role as educators, is to equip our students with the skills and attitudes that will allow them to embrace this challenge, and be active participants in the contemporary world.


In the tradition of the Good Samaritan Order of Sisters, whose vocation is shaped by the parable of the Good Samaritan, and who established Sacred Heart School over 100 years ago, our school is a place of welcome and where a sense of warmth and security allows all our students to be resilient, confident and active leaners. 


As a parent of two children living in West Preston, I am aware that parents are spoilt for good primary schools. I am also aware as a parent, who over thirteen years ago began researching primary schools with my school teacher wife for my daughter, the importance of visiting schools, seeing them in action and taking the opportunity to ask questions. I invite prospective parents to come and visit our vibrant school, see our new learning spaces and experience an environment in which our students are challenged by educational best practises to be the best they can be. 






Mark Tierney



Contact Us



Address: 1 Clifton Grove, Preston 3072 

Phone: 03 9487 1001

School Principal: Mark Tierney

Principal's Email Address:


Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 

Phone: 03 9487 1001

Office Email Address:

Thank you for contacting Sacred Heart Primary School. We will be in contact shortly.

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